October Update
What a great start to the year! In August we ran a metal drive. For September we had 40 people to our initial meeting. Over 60 students from four high schools attended our robotics training camp where we built a robot from scratch and wrote our team charter.
Monday, October 1 - lunch meeting in room 101 for Ontario Skills Robottics
Tuesday, October 2 - lunch meeting in room 101 Intro to CAD (Friday and Wednesday, October 10 the same workshop will run. All team members are asked to attend one of these workshops).
After school meeting for planning of the new intake Sam is running
October 4 Chairman's meeting
October 5 Intro to CAD
Managers - please have your October plans emailed to Mr Mctavish by this date!
Tuesday, October 16 HPL Youth Tech Extravaganza 3:30pm-6:15pm please see Mr Mctavish if you can attend
October 18-19 Fall Fiesta competition in Toronto. We can take eight people- 4 drivers, 4 pit crew. Cost $85/person. Let Mr Mctavish know if you are interested by October 5
TBD - metal drive